Downtown Phoenix Church, also referred to as DTPHX Church, is a missional group of Christ-followers discovering church as a verb. We've identified one square mile of downtown Phoenix that crosses paths with 18,000 students and permanent residents. This IS our parish for ministry. In lieu of locating church in a separate building with one large group meeting on Sunday mornings, we utilize smaller groups in the spaces available in our community through out the week.
Each Sunday, hundreds of churches already gather those who are comfortable in a faith community. We, instead, choose to reach out to people that have left the church or have never experienced an authentic faith in a real way. This often prompts us to look for the disenfranchised, the broken and the disengaged.
By meeting in the existing parks, pubs, coffee patios and other neighborhood spaces, we challenge ourselves toward a personal Great-Commission path constantly developing new friendships. Furthermore, by volunteering through many of the wonderful, existing community events, we share love across the entire neighborhood
We believe that if we aren't intentional, we will become isolated from the very world we are attempting to reach.