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One of the greatest privileges we have as believers is the chance to GIVE.  First we have to actually HAVE something in order to be able to give.  It reminds us that we are stewards and not merely an overseer.


Scripture often shows us how Our Heavenly Father demonstrates love by GIVING … sometimes He does so by giving attention, sometimes by giving affirmation, sometimes by blessing our prayers and sometimes by giving us some type of physical reward.


I actually look forward to the time of year where I begin to accumulate records of charitable giving from the previous year.  It’s in preparation of doing my taxes but it also reminds me of the ministries I value and kind of steward I was with supporting these different ministries.


As a charitable giver to Downtown Phoenix Church, you will have access to your own record of giving 

from the previous year through e-Giving.  May I remind you how to access those records so you’ll have what you need for Uncle Sam?


First, click on the DONATE button on the top of the page.  Then, using your email or username and password, sign in.  Look for “Generous Investment History”.   


Click on “Year to Date” and check on “2016” as you look at last year’s taxes.

I check off “Display Details” and then click on the “Search” button.  Voowala the results show up!  I click on “Download” for an electronic copy then “Print” results for a hard copy for my 2016 taxes.



Please know that you are a blessing as God uses you as our lifeblood for ministry!  With your contributions, we bless downtown ASU students with our weekly 'Wellness Kiosk' and discussions!  We also use your contribution to host PopUp Church on Sunday afternoons in different coffee shops, microbrewery, parks and other places that intersect lives with the very people we are hoping to meet.  It is there where we can share the good news of God’s love as we ARE Church In Front of the Community!


Bless you!  May God bless you as He directs you to give to this ministry … and Bless you financially as God teaches us all how to spiritually mature as stewards of His love and materials! 


Jim and Colleen Helman

DTPHX Church

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